NightDrive is an original melodic hard rock five-piece band based out of Cleveland, Ohio. The band’s mission is to bring back some of the fun and excitement of rock’s past without sounding dated or cliche’ by keeping the past relevant to where rock is – and where they feel it should be going in 2022 and beyond.
With the release of their third EP, SCREAM, the band firmly doubles-down on their releases to date and offers up six new tracks of contemporary hard rock that’s heavily informed by all that’s come before it. Memorable melodies and relatable lyrics delivered in earnest by Laura Richards crown the bed of catchy and melodic rock that has become the band’s trademark. The rhythms being held down by bassist Rob Schultz and recent drumming addition Spenser Urig provide the foundation upon which guitarists Jeremy Schoeneman and Aaron Holbert build riffs and solos – deftly precise while also being infectiously memorable.
Hard Rock, Melodic Hard Rock, Modern Rock, Alternative Rock
Coheed & Cambria, Rush, Halestorm, Evanescense, Thrice, Rise Against, Anberlin
Gear [Not Endorsed]
Sennheiser, LTD, Fender, PRS, MarkBass
Noteable Performances